Sunday, November 16, 2008

Observation for 11/14

After adding the food last wek, the whole micro-aquarium was crawling with all types of organisms in vast numbers. Lots more than I had seen in the pervious weeks.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Observation for 11/7

Once again I saw more of all organisms. I would say there twice as many ritifers. There was alittle more parameciums and a few more euplotes than last week. I added some food, hopefully should increase the numbers even more.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Second Observation- 10/30

Today I saw even more organisms than last time. I saw too many parameciums to count. They were mostly at the bottom, but i also saw some around the middle and the top of the micro-aquarium. I saw lots of euplotes, mostly in the bottom and middle. I counted 7 large ritifers that were of good size, mostly consisting at the bottom.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First Observation- 10/24

There were many more moving organisms. Many that were moving and many that were stationary. I count many parameciums, too many to count. I also saw many euplotes.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Term Project Set-Up

Code- Green(J), Yellow(R), M)

I have water from tank 5, with plants A and B in there. There are a few moving singled celled organisms in the water. They are Non-Green, there is around 4 or 5 I found, and they are mostely around the bottom.